Orsetto indemoniato all’asta su Ebay…


All I know is that I want this damned thing out of my house. Something is dreadfully wrong with this bear. I never used to believe in powers of darkness, but now I do. If you are willing to buy it, please let me know. I take no responsibility for what may happen afterwards and for god’s sake don’t keep it anywhere near children. The lingering presence is still in my house to some extent and I need to get the source out. THIS IS A LONG READ AND I AM SORRY BUT IT WAS THE ONLY WAY I COULD POUR IT OUT.

Se lo volete, l’orsetto di peluche indemoniato è in vendita qui su eBay. A ora ha raggiunto la quotazione di 320 dollari con 42 offerte. Affrettatevi, l’asta scade il 10 Maggio…

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