Nagios is RedHat’s Standard Alerting System

We’re happy to inform the Nagios Community2009-09-21-redhat-nagios that Nagios is used as RedHat’s standard alerting system. Nick Otto gave a presentation at the RedHat Summit in Chicago earlier this month, in which he covers Nagios and other great OSS tools that are used inside one of the front-runners in commercial Open Source.
Thanks to Subhendu Ghosh for letting us know about this!

2 Risposte a “Nagios is RedHat’s Standard Alerting System”

  1. Ciao! Ho visto che alla fine non hai mai avuto tempo per il tutorial di Nagios.
    È possibile contattarti in privato per avere 2 dritte?

  2. Certamente che puoi contattarmi. Mandami un’email a giorgio punto zarrelli su gmail

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