These are my links for Settembre 19th through Settembre 25th:
- Zarafa –
- [ HOSTSFILE.MINE.NU ] [ HOSTS FILE PROJECT ] – Web adverts can be simply blocked by using a specially formatted text file called a “Hosts” file which is a list myself and numerous others have painstakingly compiled to now over 101000 (verified) known banner advertising companies and providers along with hostile websites that have been discovered (popup providers, spyware, dialers ,scams etc). This file tells your computer to try to and access itself whenever a banner advert is requested from a server that is in its "black" list, but instead of contacting the advert server your computer tries to request itself, and as your machine doesn't contain any adverts (if you are not running a web server) nothing will be shown.
- | The Linux Logical Volume Manager –