Bookmarks for gennaio 22nd through febbraio 4th

Dai un’occhiata ai link interessanti che ho trovato dal gennaio 22nd al febbraio 4th:

  • 30 Websites To Download Free Stock Photos
  • NOT FOR TOURISTS – If you’re new to NFT then here are a few words of attempted explanation: Not For Tourists is a growing series of guides to major cities. Our philosophy is simple: people need to use the cities they live in, commute into, or travel to effectively. They need to use their city’s transportation systems; its governmental infrastructure; its shops, restaurants, and nightspots—and they need all of this information while they’re on the move in a format that’s more accessible than the Yellow Pages, more informative than Zagat’s, and more useful than any other tourist’s guide out there today.
  • PortableDevices/iPhone – Community Ubuntu Documentation

Bookmarks for dicembre 14th through dicembre 21st

Dai un’occhiata ai link interessanti che ho trovato dal dicembre 14th al dicembre 21st: