Bookmarks for agosto 28th from 11:53 to 19:40

These are my links for agosto 28th from 11:53 to 19:40:

  • Hypertable: An Open Source, High Performance, Scalable Database – Hypertable is an open source project based on published best practices and our own experience in solving large-scale data-intensive tasks. Our goal is to bring the benefits of new levels of both performance and scale to many data-driven businesses who are currently limited by previous-generation platforms. Our goal is nothing less than that Hypertable become one of the world’s most massively parallel high performance database platforms.
  • Lo spicchio d’aglio – Ricette di cucina on-line – Tante ricette gastronomiche, ma anche utili informazioni sugli ingredienti, preparazioni di base, suggerimenti per orientarsi meglio in cucina e la newsletter per essere sempre informati di tutte le novità
  • Dupé – Amigo DuTwitter

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